
19th ICSMGE Konferencia Seoul 2017 szeptember 17-22.

Megjelent az ISSMGE Geotechnikai konferencia kiadványa és összefoglalója, ahol a BC elméletének és alkalmazásának véglegesítését ismertetjük az elmúlt 10 év mérési tapasztalatai alapján (Subert – Imre – Tompai – Garai). A cikket körlevélben megküldtük tájékoztatásra a magyar laboratóriumoknak is.

Idézet a 102TC összefoglalójából:
“Subert et al. propose a test method for measuring the dynamic compaction-rate and dynamic modulus in earthworks. This is done by measuring the modified compactness-rate percentage from the deformation curve increase from 10 to 18 drops and the dynamic modulus, using the Light Falling Weight (LFWD) loading system from the first 6 drops. By using a small-plate deflectometer (D163mm) a higher stress is reached (0.35 MPa) under the plate, providing suitable compaction work for on-site Proctor test. The measuring range is similar to the static load plate test. This procedure is different from the conventional D300 LFWD (dynamic pressure 0.1 MPa), allowing information on both the compactness-rate and bearing capacity to be derived. Analyzing the test results of eight years experience, the Authors conclude that this „environmental friendly green test” conducted by a light weight portable equipment is more reliable, faster and economical than the other methods. Standards are revised to integrate the method.”
Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Seoul 2017 Technical Committee 102 / Comité technique 102 – page 555


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